
Hideez was supported by USAID

to develop passwordless authentication for Ukraine's critical infrastructure  

Table of contents

● About project● Goals● Expected results Information note

Hideez received a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the USAID Project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine”. Thanks to this, the vendor can develop an innovative mobile authenticator to improve the cybersecurity of Ukrainian critical infrastructure.

BAKOTECH congratulates Hideez on this undoubtedly important occasion and expresses our willingness to integrate this solution into critical infrastructure enterprises and commercial companies.

Modern technologies are developing very rapidly, thereby creating new opportunities and challenges. So familiar authentication methods like passwords and OTPs leave critical infrastructure vulnerable to new, more sophisticated cyber threats.

This project aims to create a mobile application based on a smartphone crypto chip (TPM module) and FIDO algorithms, which will strengthen the protection of employees when accessing web services and programs. In turn, Hideez leverages Fast Identity Online (FIDO) alliance standards, including FIDO U2F and FIDO2/WebAuthn authentication, to implement a secure, password-free single sign-on and employee identity management system.

This method uses public-key cryptography to store private keys on personal devices, which reduces the risk of phishing and other types of identity-based attacks.

Soon, Hideez will demonstrate a ready-made solution to critical infrastructure cybersecurity service providers and private companies in Ukraine, so that they can reduce their costs of implementing passwordless authentication. 

“To effectively combat cyber threats, it’s important for Ukraine to integrate advanced cybersecurity tools into its infrastructure,” said Oleh Naumenko, CEO of Hideez. “Our cooperation with the USAID Cybersecurity Project emphasizes the importance of innovative solutions for building a sustainable and secure digital ecosystem.”

The Hideez solution will focus on such goals 

  • Improving cybersecurity:

    Implementing a strong authentication system to avoid password-related phishing attacks and data leaks.  

  • Improving user experience

    simplifying authentication to improve performance and improve the user experience.  

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    Cost reduction:

    eliminating the need for hardware tokens and reducing the administrative burden.

  • Promotion of advanced technologies:

    encouraging the implementation of secure passwordless authentication methods.  

Expected results:

    The passwordless authentication system will be deployed successfully. It will replace the use of passwords, thereby preventing cyber-attacks and data leaks in the institutions involved.
    Hideez will be able to expand the export of Ukrainian solutions in the field of cybersecurity all over the world.  
    The new authentication technology without a password will strengthen the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure operators in Ukraine
    Hideez will create an affordable passwordless authentication solution that will outperform hardware security keys and access keys in terms of security, convenience, and cost of implementation. 
    The vendor will raise awareness of FIDO security standards and the benefits of passwordless authentication among government institutions and other critical infrastructure sectors in Ukraine. 

Information note 

The USAID project “Cybersecurity of Ukraine's Critical Infrastructure” is a project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It works to reduce and potentially eliminate cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure sectors of Ukraine, as well as to build human resources, develop the cybersecurity industry, and strengthen the capacity of Ukraine in preparation for cyberattacks.  
Hideez Group Inc. — an American company of Ukrainian origin that develops solutions for secure employee access to complex corporate systems. Thanks to these solutions, the developer solves the problem of password vulnerabilities and simplifies access management to speed up user authentication. All Hideez products have international FIDO2 and FIDO U2F certifications and an expert opinion of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, which allows the use of Hideez products in state, financial, international, and other organizations. Therefore, the Hideez authentication system is adapted for use in enterprises with high security standards.  
BAKOTECH is an international True Value-Added IT Distributor with more than 20 years of experience in implementing innovative IT technologies. The company's experts, together with partners, have implemented more than 1,000 successful projects in the field of cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and information networks for companies that are at the stage of digital transformation. BAKOTECH's expertise allows us to provide full technical support and ensure that customers get the maximum benefit from implemented solutions.  
BAKOTECH is the exclusive distributor of Hideez solutions in Ukraine and all countries of presence.